Force versus Distance Curves

This example illustrates how to extract force versus distance spectroscopy data from Park AFM images:

f = AFM.getSampleImages('force')
a = AFM.import(f)
a = AFM.flatten(a)
plot(a) + labs(fill="z (nm)")
#> Graphing: Topography

Spectroscopy data files are recognized as such:

#> [1] "spectroscopy"

The file can be graphed like a regular AFM file, but additionally, it contains the spectroscopy data. Several channels are recorded:

#>      channelName channelUnit channelGain channelXaxis channelYaxis offset
#> 1 Vertical (A-B)           V           1            0            1      0
#> 2          Force          nN           1            0            1      0
#> 3         Z Scan          um           1            1            0      0
#> 4     Z Detector          um           1            1            0      0
#> 5     Time Stamp        usec           1            1            0      0
#> 6                                      1            0            0      0
#> 7                                      1            0            0      0
#> 8                                      1            0            0      0
#>   logScale      square
#> 1        0           0
#> 2        0           0
#> 3        0           0
#> 4        0           0
#> 5        0           0
#> 6        0           1
#> 7        0           0
#> 8        0 -1074790400

The data from these channels is extracted as follows:

df = AFM.specData(a)
ggplot(df, aes(`Z Scan`, Force, col=factor(Point))) + 
  geom_point() + 
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.95,0.99),
        legend.justification = c(1,1))