Finding the Setpoint

You can find the setpoint and other information about an AFM image by retrieving the AFMinfo. Here is an example:

#> Please cite nanoAFMr 2.1.11 , see

# loading the test file 
filename = AFM.getSampleImages('ibw')
# retrieving an AFMinfo object
h = AFMinfo(filename)

Basic information about an image can also be viewed, once you have an AFMinfo object:

# generate a summary of the AFMinfo object
#> AFM Image Type:        Cypher 
#> Resolution:            128 x 128 
#> Channels:              4 
#> Resonance Freq (Hz):   257190.3 
#> Scan Rate (Hz):        2.0032 
#> Scan Angle (deg):      
#> Notes:                 KC200, FePc, KC20170720Si,KC20170720Si_KC20 
#> Data Items:            2

Finding additional special information, using the function AFMinfo.item; note that the search string is case-sensitive.

sp =  AFMinfo.item(h, 'Setpoint')
#> [1] "Setpoint:  0.74347 V"

The names of the items can be found with the same function; here is a list of the first few item names that can be used:

allNames = AFMinfo.item(h)
#>  [1] "ScanSize"         "FastScanSize"     "SlowScanSize"     "ScanRate"        
#>  [5] "XOffset"          "YOffset"          "PointsLines"      "ScanPoints"      
#>  [9] "ScanLines"        "ScanAngle"        "ImagingMode"      "InvOLS"          
#> [13] "SpringConstant"   "AmpInvOLS"        "Amp2Invols"       "FastRatio"       
#> [17] "SlowRatio"        "TopLine"          "BottomLine"       "ScanMode"        
#> [21] "NapMode"          "FMapScanTime"     "FMapScanPoints"   "FMapScanLines"   
#> [25] "FMapXYVelocity"   "FMapBookWise"     "Channel1DataType" "DataTypeSum"     
#> [29] "PhaseOffset"      "PhaseOffset1"     "NapPhaseOffset"   "VoltageParm"     
#> [33] "NapParms"         "PreScanSetting"   "OrcaOffset"       "OrcaOffset2"     
#> [37] "UserIn0Gain"      "UserIn0Offset"    "UserIn1Gain"      "UserIn1Offset"   
#> [41] "UserIn2Gain"      "UserIn2Offset"    "LateralGain"      "LateralOffset"   
#> [45] "OrcaGain"         "OrcaGain2"        "FastMapScanRate"  "FastMapZRate"    
#> [49] "dcdvPhaseOffset"  "dcdZPhaseOffset"